On Friday, July 23 a delegation of six Rotarians from the Carolinas and Georgia plus four of their spouses attended a Symposium honoring The CART Fund in Philadelphia.
The event was scheduled to follow the closing day of an International Conference on Alzheimer’s Research so that the scientists participating and/or attending could be present. “It was for me one of the most memorable events of my almost 38 years in Rotary,” said CART Treasurer Roger Ackerman. It was planned by and CO-chaired by Dr. John Trojanowski and Dr. Sam Gandy with assistance of four of CART’s grant recipients.
The Symposium included research reports from eight of our nation’s top Alzheimer’s scientists who all were generous in their praise of The CART Fund. Many of the comments explained how their research would not have been possible without CART funding.
A luncheon in honor of the CART representatives followed the presentations and then the group toured Dr. Gandy’s extensive laboratory at the Farber Institute for Neurosciences at Thomas Jefferson University of which he is the Director.
“I just wish all of you could have shared this special day with us. It would have made you even prouder than you already are to be a Rotarian. Your generous support of CART has truly made a difference,” said Ackerman.