Applying For a Grant

Applying For Grants

The goal of CART is to encourage exploratory and developmental AD research projects within the United States by providing support for the early and conceptual plans of those projects that may not yet be supported by extensive preliminary data, but have the potential to substantially advance biomedical research.

Proposals should be distinct from those projects designed to increase knowledge in a well-established area unless it is intended to extend previous discoveries toward new directions or applications.

The CART Fund annually invites interested applicants from within the United States only to submit a LETTER-of-INTENT that includes sufficient detail to communicate the importance of your study as well as information on its feasibility.

Applications may encompass a project period of up to two years with a combined budget for direct costs up to $300,000. No indirect costs are allowed. Full-time faculty (or the equivalent status) at U.S.-based public and private institutions, such as universities, colleges, hospitals, and laboratories, are eligible. This is for NEW projects only. Applications will be deemed ineligible from for-profit and organizations outside the United States, as well as those already supported by regular or program grants.

A scientific review group will triage the letters-of-intent and select a maximum of 15 finalists deemed to have the highest merit. Those selected will be invited to submit a subsequent standard grant application from which the final recommendations will be made by the review group. The final selections will be made by the CART Fund Executive Committee.

Applicants should submit a letter-of-intent as a PDF file. The letter should include the following:

1- Contact information (one page)

2- A statement containing the hypothesis of the project; the specific aims; a description of the experimental design, methods, and model systems (two-page limit)

3- A statement giving future directions this research could lead to, including a reference to the health relationship of the project (one-page limit)

4- A biographical statement of the principal investigator (two-page limit)

CART Schedule for Grant Application Processing for 2024-25:

More Information Coming Soon!

Letters-of-intent or requests for more information should be emailed to Dr. Gary Goforth, MD, Vice President of Grants, at